'Please contact cfms@justice.wa.gov.au for a copy of the Department's Customer Feedback Policy.'

Your Details:

(if applicable)
Do you require an interpreter?Do you require an interpreter?
Are you the person affected by the issue?Are you the person affected by the issue?

Other Details:

(If you are representing someone we may need to confirm your authority to act for that person)


Is the person affected by the issue of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?Is the person affected by the issue of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?
Does the person affected by the issue come from a culturally and linguistically diverse background?Does the person affected by the issue come from a culturally and linguistically diverse background?
Is this a disability issue?Is this a disability issue?
Is the person affected by the issue under the age of 18 years?Is the person affected by the issue under the age of 18 years?

The Issue/Feedback:

What part of the organisation does this relate to?
Have you raised the issue before?Have you raised the issue before?
Are you prepared to be identified to the individuals involved?Are you prepared to be identified to the individuals involved?
Are you a victim of crime?Are you a victim of crime?
Please provide details:
Have you raised the issue before?Have you raised the issue before?
Are you prepared to be identified to the individuals involved?Are you prepared to be identified to the individuals involved?
Are you a victim of crime?Are you a victim of crime?
Please provide details:
Have you raised the issue before?Have you raised the issue before?
Are you prepared to be identified to the individuals involved?Are you prepared to be identified to the individuals involved?
Have you raised the issue before?Have you raised the issue before?
Are you prepared to be identified to the individuals involved?Are you prepared to be identified to the individuals involved?

Should you wish to change any information after it has been submitted you should contact the Feedback Manager on 9264 6270 and quote the allocated reference number (this is provided after you have selected the "Submit" button).